Order your 24-25 yearbook today! Yearbooks are currently on sale for $45. Price increases on March 1st.
Order your yearbook here - https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/2639955/Mcallister-Elementary-School/2025-Yearbook/2024072304243430371/CATALOG_SHOP/

Congratulations to our outstanding grade-level winners from Kindergarten through 5th grade in the Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition! Each of you has shown amazing creativity in your writing and we are so proud of you! #wildcatauthors #MESrocks #YGA

Lunch Guest Weeks for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Considerations for Lunch Guests:
All lunch guests must be on your child's white card.
We ask for one lunch guest per child per week due to space limitations.
Ensure you look at the schedule closely for designated weeks. We will only be able to accommodate lunch guests on the scheduled weeks.
All guests will be required to sign in at the front office and wear a visitor's badge while on campus.
All visitors will eat with their child at a designated area in the lunchroom. Due to space and safety, only your child will be permitted to eat lunch with you. Your child's friends will not be permitted to join lunch with you.
No outside food will be permitted during your visit.

The MES Spelling Bee took place this morning with sixteen amazing Wildcats participating. It was an extremely competitive contest lasting thirteen rounds. Fourth grader Zoe Oliver was crowned the MES Spelling Bee Champion. Fourth grader Daon Ryu is this year's runner-up. Zoe will participate in the Bryan County Schools District Spelling Bee representing MES. Way to go Wildcat Spellers! #spellingbee #MESrocks

Don't miss a chance to see the McAllister Musicians in concert as they share classic carols to begin the holiday season.

Holiday Giving Tree Project: December 2nd - 13th - MES will collect new toys and clothing for children in need this holiday season. If your family would like to participate, students may drop off unwrapped gifts in the donation boxes inside the main entrance. Please join us as we support the Bryan County Children's Fund Empty Stocking Program this holiday season. #livetogive

The MES PTSO will host a holiday ornament shop on December 3rd & 4th. Ornaments are $2.50 and $5.00. The ornament shop will be cash only.

Santa Pictures: December 3rd and 4th
Pictures cost $5 per student.
Prepay today on Cheddar Up.
Sponsored by the MES PTSO.

Miler Club begins tomorrow, November 21st. Students will walk/run during recess to record their laps for Miler Club. Please remember to wear your athletic shoes and clothing comfortable for running. #mesruns #milerclub

The McAllister Elementary School BETA Club is collecting the following items to benefit the Way Station Food Pantry: Jiffy Cornbread Mix, Boxed Stuffing Mix, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Cranberry Sauce, Pancake Mix and Pancake Syrup. Items will be collected from October 27th - November 15th. Students may drop off items in the boxes in front of the MES letters outside the front office. Thank you for supporting our community during this holiday season. Your donations will be much appreciated.

Honor Your Soldier by submitting a picture of your family's hero to the link below. Pictures will be featured in a Hero Display during our Veteran's Day Program on Thursday, November 7th in the MES Cafeteria at 6:00 p.m. Upload your photo here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15Uzdu4E9BS2zmOeDbzdrtmi0ZYhLbhU3?usp=sharing

Save the Date for the MES Veterans Day Program on Thursday, November 7th at 6:00 p.m. in the MES Cafeteria. Join us for a special celebration honoring all those who have served and continue to serve.

Join us on Saturday, October 19th from 4:00-5:00 p.m. at Southcoast Pediatrics for the Bryan County Schools Elementary Art show. Artwork from fifteen of our very own MES Wildcats will be displayed and McAllister Musicians will perform at 4:30. Stop by to celebrate the arts! #MESrocks #mesart #mcallistermusicians

On September 11, 2024, MES students are invited to dress in red, white, and blue in honor of Patriot Day. #MESrocks #mesremembers

Are you interested in volunteering at MES? All volunteers must complete the volunteer orientation and complete the volunteer assessment. Click on the Volunteer at MES button on the MES homepage to access the orientation & assessment. Once completed, you will be notified of volunteer opportunities at MES. We look forward to seeing you at MES! Thank you for your support.

Ice cream tokens are on sale each morning at the school store for $1.00. The school store is located in the hallway outside of the Media Center. Redeem your token on Wednesdays or Fridays during lunch.

DATE CHANGE: Meet the Wildcats Night at RHHS on August 14, 2024 from 5:30 - 7:00 in the West Gym. Keller Wood Fire Pizza Truck and Kona Ice will be on site. Come out and throw a pass with a football player, stunt with the cheerleaders and jam out to the marching band! #BTH #wildcats

Lunch Guest Weeks for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Considerations for Lunch Guests:
All lunch guests must be on your child's white card.
We ask for one lunch guest per child per week due to space limitations.
Ensure you look at the schedule closely for designated weeks. We will only be able to accommodate lunch guests on the scheduled weeks.
All guests will be required to sign in at the front office and wear a visitor's badge while on campus.
All visitors will eat with their child at a designated area in the lunchroom. Due to space and safety, only your child will be permitted to eat lunch with you. Your child's friends will not be permitted to join lunch with you.
No outside food will be permitted during your visit.

McAllister Elementary School would like to welcome Mrs. Carly Coghill as the newest member of the MES Admin Team! She is joining the MES Decade Tour for the 24-25 school year as an Assistant Principal! We are so excited to have Mrs. Coghill join us from RHES. #MESrocks #DecadeTour

Want to beat the crowd for school supply shopping? Grab the 24-25 School Supply Lists here - https://5il.co/2ql7p #MESrocks #DecadeTour