What a pleasant surprise it was this year the way MES students have responded to the Miler Club. We sincerely thank the MES staff for welcoming the RHXCTF program into your building and promoting and sharing this healthy life style opportunity to your students. Here are your final results. The Miler Club will see you again November 2019.
\r\n\r\n6 Recesses over 6 weeks (3 Total Hours) had…\r\n
\r\n4,048 voluntary participations by 1,138 MES students who…\r\n
\r\nRan 14,222 quarter mile laps for 3,555.5 miles which…\r\n
\r\nTakes MES students from Richmond Hill to Tatitlek AK.\r\n
Special thanks to these individuals who made this initiative possible and who actively demonstrate ways to make Richmond Hill such a unique community to be a part of. \r\n
\r\nShiela Hicks > Tiffany Hursey > Bivins Miller > Heather Sybert > Colette Hammesfahr > Monica Murray > Mickey Bayens > Debi McNeal > Joel Ballesteros\r\n